
Living on geopathic stress zones has a scientifically proven negative effect on our immune system and causes blockages in the self-healing process. We also discovered, that it reduces the effectiveness of our Orgone distance healing.

The Orgone Geomorphosi transmutes the harmful rays of geopathic stress zones and neutralizes their negative effect. Since the neutralization takes place above Geomorphosi, it should be placed on the ground floor (or cellar) of a building. Depending on the degree of radiation, it neutralizes up to 50 m². For individual advice, please feel free to contact us.

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Living on geopathic stress zones has a scientifically proven negative effect on our immune system and causes blockages in the self-healing process. We also discovered, that it reduces the effectiveness of our Orgone distance healing. The Orgone Geomorphosi transmutes the harmful rays of geopathic stress zones and neutralizes their negative effect.

Geopathic stress zones:

The term ,geopathic stress zone’ is used to describe negative energy, also known as “harmful earth rays”  such as water veins, grid intersections and rock faults, emanating from the earth and cause discomfort and disease, when living upon it.

Water veins:

Large underground water areas, often several levels above each other. In these areas occur flowing movements.

Rock faults:

The contact areas of different density of the subsurface.

Global grids:

Global grids are rhythmically recurring irritant stripes on Earth such as the 10m grid (also known as Benker grid).


Impact of earth radiation

In the earth occur by decay processes of fissile material, constantly neutrons (parts of the nucleus). These neutrons are very small and move with great speed.

If these neutrons meet the human body, they pervade without causing any damage. Some of these neutrons are slowed down. The physicists then speak of thermal or decelerated neutrons, which then have a much greater effective diameter. These decelerated neutrons are captured of atomic nuclei in the body and causes their decay. Thereby arises radioactive radiation in the body, which damages the cells of the adjacent tissue. Most frequently the immune cells are damaged, of which we have the most and they divide most rapidly. Our experience is that there are areas on Earth, where significantly more decelerated neutrons are occurring.

These areas we call distortion zones.
The strain on the body by such distortion zones, is a geopathic stress.

Basically the geopathic strain is a health risk factor. Many chronic diseases are attributable to a geopathic stress. It does not generate a typical disease, such as certain bacteria or viruses. The main effect is the weakening of the immune system. Geopathic stress causes a chronic process.

The most common symptoms that occur very early after exposure to such disturbance zones, perhaps immediately after moving to a new home, are sleep disorders. The location of the bed appears to be the most important factor, followed by the favorite chair, or desk/ the room where the most work time is spent, and so on.


Pathological Symptoms may include:

Sleeping disorders, fatigue and lethargy, restlessness, cold or restless feet and legs in bed, asthma and respiratory problems, allergies, pain of rheumatic, stomach / intestinal disorders, cervical / lumbar spine syndrome, vegetative dystonia, inflammations, infections, eczema, tumors, migraines, metabolic disorders, hypertension, circulatory disorders, aggression and depression, inexplicable mood changes.

It is impossible to eliminate these energies; if you can’t avoid dwelling on such places, you can use our product Geomorphosi. It transmutes the harmful rays of geopathic stress zones and neutralizes their negative effect. Since the neutralization takes place above Geomorphosi, it should be placed on the ground floor (or cellar) of a building. Depending on the degree of radiation, it neutralizes up to 50 m². For individual advice, please feel free to contact us.


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